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Kickstarter for "The History War" a photobook by Larry Towell

Dear friends, Join me and the Camtec team in supporting Larry's Kickstarter campaign page to complete his new documentary book project "The History War” Larry Towell’s work in Ukraine during the past decade produced some of the most compelling and human stories of this tragic conflict and the war that pursued it.  He is asking for our help to complete this very important documentary work and bring it to fruition. A project well deserved of your support. Warm regards, Jean Bardaji Here’s a message we received from Larry this morning, September 20th: Dear backers & friends  I am almost there….This...…

Announcing the Winners of our Fujifilm Photo Contest

What did you do last Summer? Based on the terrific quality of your entries, the answer is clear: practiced the art of photography at its very highest level! Many thanks to all our entrants. You never fail to amaze us with your boundless imagination and talent. It was hard to choose only three winners, so we decided on giving 4 honourable mentions alongside 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes.   Without further ado, our winners are: 1st prize, Vincenzo d’Alto: A decisive moment and a dynamic composition, this is a timeless photo that will raise your spirits in any season. 2nd...…

Welcome to our new website

The Cleaner look is meant to improve navigation and provide a faster more seamless experience. Thank you for bearing with us as we work out all the kinks.Of course, we are only a phone call or email away, If something goes wrong during your visit or order process, we’d love to hear from you.…

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